iPlayer 3 Firmware Update Procedure
The iPlayer 3 firmware image is periodically updated to improve system performance and functionality. Visit the iPlayer 3 product page for the most recent firmware update. If your iPlayer 3 is not running the most recent firmware it is recommended that you update to maximize system performance.
To determine your iPlayer 3 current firmware revision, follow the steps below.
- Apply AC Power to iPlayer 3
- After iPlayer 3 has initialized, press the right arrow button to enter “Config Mode”
- Use the up/down arrow buttons to scroll to “Info”, then press the right arrow button to enter the “Info” menu
- Use the up/down arrow buttons to scroll to “Version”, then press the right arrow button
- The screen should read “Firmware Revision” and the line below displays the revision number in form of “v01.00.xx b00001”
- If the “xx” value is a lower number than the most recent image on the website, you should proceed to the updating process described below.
Firmware Update Procedure (Windows)
- Connect the USB cable from iPlayer 3 to PC
- Download and extract the iPlayer 3 Firmware Updater
- Download the most recent firmware image from www.colorkinetics.com/support/iplayer3/
- Go to the iP3 Firmware Updater folder and open the file iP3 Bootloader.exe
- Once the program is open, click Select under “Firmware Image File”.
- Select the latest .hex file from the directory in which it is stored on your computer and click Open
- With the firmware image successfully loaded, click Connect under “iPlayer 3”
- Once the version information is displayed under “iPlayer 3” click Program to begin the update process
Note: do not disconnect USB cable during the firmware upgrade process, doing so may damage the device.
- Upon successful completion of the firmware update you should receive an information message of “Programming complete!” Click OK and then select File – Quit to exit the program.
Your iPlayer 3 firmware is now updated.
Periodically check the website for new firmware upgrades.